In the culinary world, the use of herbs is an absolute must.  They enhance the flavor of every dish from meats to vegetables to soups and more.  They have wonderful, diverse aromas and flavors that make food not only taste better, but make it easier to cut back on unhealthy ingredients like sugar, salt and processed hydrogenated oils.  But herbs have another attribute to them that make them a must in Healable Meals.  They can help the body heal.  These flavor powerhouses have a wide variety of healing properties that will inevitably have you reaching for a fresh bunch of herbs every time you cook. 

Basil: Known as the king of herbs, is a delicious ingredient in just about any dish from pestos to Asian cuisine to omelets and more.  Basil has many medicinal uses including fighting arthritis, cancer, depression, Alzheimer’s as well as supporting the liver and promoting good eye health.

Tarragon:  A wonderful addition to chicken, soups, or dressings it has a slight anise flavor that will have you reaching for more.  Rich in antioxidants and minerals and omega-3 fatty acids, tarragon can prevent the growth of cancer cells, reduce inflammation, improve digestive function, keep your heart healthy, aids in repair of the intestinal walls, and its B6 content aids in preventing cognitive decline.

Rosemary:  Used in marinades, vegetable dishes and more, it is a delicious addition to any meal.  Rosemary boosts immune function, protects the brain and skin, aids in digestion, enhances concentration and can help in preventing cancer and macular degeneration.  It also provides pain relief and supports the liver and lungs.

Thyme:  Used in cooking in numerous types of cuisine, thyme’s health benefits range from acting as a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent, reducing inflammation and pain, supporting mood and health of the brain and improving respiratory function.

Oregano: A rich source of antioxidants, it is known to reduce infections, relieve inflammation, aid in preventing the formation of cancer cells, kill intestinal parasites.  It is anti-bacterial and anti-viral in nature.

Cilantro:  Also known as coriander, it has a unique flavor that some either love or detest.  If you are a fan, wonderful, because cilantro can help manage blood pressure, stimulate digestion and promote the removal of heavy metals from the body.  It is an excellent liver detoxifier as well as pain and inflammation reducer.

Parsley:  Known everywhere is the go-to garnish on the plate, parsley has a mild, grassy flavor but packs a punch when it comes to your health. It is a rich source of flavonoids, folic acid, vitamins A, and K.  It serves as an anticancer powerhouse due to its flavonoid and chlorophyll content.  It helps lower blood sugar and decrease insulin resistance, detoxifies the body, boosts the immune system and is a natural antibiotic.  It also helps fight arthritis.

Mint:  Best known as a breath freshener, mint has a variety of healing properties.  Mint possesses several vitamins and minerals that can aid in proper digestion, treat nausea, headaches, nasal congestion and relieve incessant coughing.

Sage:  Traditionally used with poultry dishes it has a wonderful earthy flavor. Health benefits of sage include anti-inflammatory, fighting Alzheimer’s, fighting cancer and lowering cholesterol to name a few.

If you are new to cooking or not new but have not ventured into the herb arena, now is the time.  You will find the world of herbs will have you enjoying your food more and healing from the inside out as well. Bon Appetite!