Second Helping


Feed Your Bugs: Boost your Immune System

Probiotics & Prebiotics to Include in Your Healing Diet Our digestive tract is filled with millions of microorganisms.  Once thought of as simply unnecessary waste bacteria, we now know these…

< 1 mins read

Artichoke’s Healing Powers

It is bewildering to think that someone actually looked at an artichoke and thought “I’d like to eat that”.  It is an unusual, prickly looking object that happens to be…

2 mins read

No Tomato Sauce? Try Nomato Sauce!

Mmmmm, Italian food.  Such wonderful aromas, tastes and that darkly lit ambiance to enjoy in a nice little Italian joint.  Pasta with marinara, pizza with a nice red sauce, meatball…

2 mins read

The Healing Powers of Garlic

Garlic, a close relative to the onion and shallot, is one of the most common herbs used in cooking worldwide.  It is delicious, available year-round and inexpensive.  It also has…

2 mins read

Fun Fact: Fat is Good for You.

In 1977 the U.S. government issued its first dietary recommendations to the public: “Eat less fat and cholesterol and eat more carbohydrates.”  At that time the obesity rate in the…

2 mins read