Before you start your journey toward a healthy you, it is vital that you set yourself up for success.  Eliminating any temptation is one of the first things you should do.  What lies in your pantry, refrigerator and freezer can make or break you.  Healing with food means completely eliminating certain foods and replacing other foods with better choices.  So, as you prepare your mind for this endeavor, prepare your pantry as well.  Here is a list of things to throw out of your sight and out of your kitchen to help you succeed in this new lifestyle.

We gain the strength of the temptation we resist.

Set your mind:

Plan for about 30 minutes for each; pantry, refrigerator, freezer.

If it’s expired, throw it away.

If it’s not on the list of healable meals foods, have a big garbage bag ready for items to toss and a box for items to donate or give away.

Repeat this mantra: “It’s not wasteful if it helps me heal!”


All forms of gluten: bread, pastas, baking mixes, baked goods, cereals, sauces with gluten (soy sauce for example).  Read the labels!

All vegetable oils such as canola, peanut and corn

Conventionally raised meats: processed meats with nitrates, non-grass-fed or non-pasture raised beef, poultry, pork or lamb, farmed seafood, eggs from non-pasture raised poultry

Grains: corn, wheat, oats (quinoa and rice are ok occasionally)

Dairy: milk, coffee creamer, processed cheese food (cheese whiz), yogurt, cottage cheese, yellow cheese (grass-fed cheese is ok occasionally)

Sugar: white sugar, brown sugar, powdered sugar, candy, sweets, artificial sweeteners, sweet tea, sodas, sports drinks (including sugar free)

Processed foods: prepackaged goods, chips, crackers, cookies, prepared frozen meals, pre-marinated meats, frozen vegetables with sauces, sauces with chemicals you can’t pronounce

Here is a more extensive list (not fully comprehensive but better detailed)

Pantry Purge

  • Baked goods – bread, bagels, English muffins, cookies and pastries
  • Beans (black, garbanzo, pinto, lentils, etc.)
  • Cereals
  • Cake/brownie baking mixes (even the gluten-free kinds)
  • Candies
  • Cheese products (Cheese Whiz, etc.)
  • Chips (potato, tortilla, pita, etc.)
  • Corn products (tortillas, popcorn, flour, corn chips, cereal, etc.)
  • Crackers
  • Grains and Grain flours (white, all-purpose, whole-grain, oat, rice, quinoa, millet, wheat, etc.)
  • Granola bars
  • Most energy bars (they contain oats, soy, refined sugar, etc.)
  • Pasta
  • Peanut butter
  • Rice (wild, white, brown, etc.)
  • Any jerky containing nitrates, grains, corn, preservatives, or unnecessary ingredients.
  • Soups containing flour, beans, corn, or dairy
  • Soy sauce, tamari, Bragg’s Aminos, and wheat-free tamari
  • Sugar (cane sugar, brown, powdered etc.)
  • Vegetable oils (corn, soy, sunflower, canola, etc.)

Refrigerator/Freezer Purge

  • Coffee creamers
  • Condiments – ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressings, etc.
  • Dairy (except ghee) – cheese, milk, yogurt, butter substitutes, ice cream 
  • Any meats containing nitrates or nitrates
  • Egg replacements
  • Frozen prepared meals
  • Fruit juice, sports drinks, sweetened teas, milk
  • Hummus
  • Soda (including diet soda with artificial sweeteners)
  • Tofu/tempeh and all soy products
  • Yogurt and all other dairy products

Congratulate yourself

This process may seem like you are throwing money away; but by eliminating foods that compromise your health, ultimately helps you save money in the long run.  Imagine not having to pay for prescription medications or spend your hard-earned money at dozens of doctors visits.  Imagine feeling so great you get to spend that money and time on things you enjoy doing.  So, getting rid of those unhealthy foods in your pantry and fridge really is priceless.  Congratulations, you are another step closer to a healthy you!