Eating fermented foods every day may sound odd, but it really is an easy habit to get into. An ounce a day just may keep the doctors away.

Fermented foods are one of the key elements in maintaining a healthy level of good bacteria in our gut. Current research has found that a healthy, diverse microbiome is vital in maintaining a strong immune system. It can also help prevent a condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome(LGS) or Intestinal Dysbiosis. This condition can be caused by food sensitivities, medications, toxic environment, stress, the Standard American Diet (SAD) and/or lack of exercise.

Researchers have found LGS is present in virtually ALL patients with an autoimmune disease. LGS may be one of the first signs something is very wrong.

Here are 5 fermented foods you should start to incorporate into your diet today!

Sauerkraut: Made from cabbage and salt, sauerkraut is a delicious tart side dish full of healthy probiotics. Sauerkraut is great on sausage or pork dishes, or just eat a spoonful every morning to get your daily dose. Be sure to look for sauerkraut that is refrigerated. If it’s on the shelf it has been cooked to maintain is shelf stability. The cooking process kills the good bacteria and renders it useless as far as helping your immune system.

Yogurt: Made by fermenting milk, it contains natural probiotics that actually feed on the milk sugar, so if you are lactose intolerant you may still be able to enjoy yogurt. Look for the label that reads Live & Active Cultures; that means you get about 17 billion cultures per 6 ounce serving. If you can’t tolerate lactose, coconut yogurt is a delicious alternative to get in your daily dose of probiotics.

Kombucha: This bubbly tangy beverage is made from fermenting tea. It is packed with healthy bacteria and yeast to boost your immune system. Kombucha can contain a negligible amount of alcohol but is still safe to consume, even for kids. Kombucha is often flavored with fruits or ginger. Be sure to watch out for high sugar content. The average serving should be around 6-8 grams of carbohydrates.

Kefir: This is a fermented yogurt drink with a similar taste to yogurt. It is pourable and great in smoothies or just as is in a glass.

Kimchi: Similar to sauerkraut but SPICY! It is great topped on burgers or pork chops.

Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be They Food

Try eating a fermented food each day. You can try just an ounce, or go for it an eat a serving each day. Your microbiome with reward you with a clear head, less pain, regular bathroom habits and it just may prevent you from experiencing chronic illness in your life!